A Little February Love...

​When was the last time you said this to yourself? 

​When was the last time you said this to yourself? 

We’ve spent this month devoted to…ourselves! How conceited...or is it? We believe it is important to spread good and love to one another, but that love has to start with self-love. You have to believe you are worth receiving love in order to receive it from others. In case you’ve missed any of our conversations this month here’s a quick look at just where to start:

  • Part of loving ourselves is remembering to search for beauty in all things.  
  • Figuring out who you are and what you’re aboutgood and not-so-good - is a vital part of loving yourself.
  • Just what is your potential? The answer could shock you!
  • Loving yourself means having courage to take a bold step and believe in yourself: “Surround yourself with people who believe in you and will whisper those bold questions in your ear shutting down that doubt.”
  • Envisioning a new ‘American Dream’: “No matter how long we are whipped by this work-horse of productivity and consumption, at some point we will be forced to ask the question: why should I live this way?”
  • Dance like a kid again! “Although there is no “three-step program” to loving ourselves we can take wild steps of passion towards the freedom and joy of being content with who we are and towards truly loving ourselves.”
  • Though following your dreams might make you stick out like crazy…it’s worth it to be true to you!
  • Helpful tips for where to start when you feel totally lost in how to show yourself some love…
  • Just what kind of conversations are you having with yourself? The kind that encourages or the kind that keeps you locked up in that closet of fear and shame? 

And don't forget - self-love isn't just for February! ​